He is now at maximum influence, He started a coversation that led to me having the option to ask what he wanted again, but other than that, no dialog options have opened, despite clearing one and a half planets so far, I think this bug has caused him to not be able to ever have a class change. Additionally, as I went through his dialog options, they went away, like normal, once I got off Telos, he only had two dialog options, Lightsaber parts and Shields, I got the Lightsaber assembled, and so he only had shields left. The first, and most annoying one, is Bao-Dur having completely broken dialog options, when I first got him on Telos, before having him try to initiate a conversation, just asking what I wanted, it listed "What did you want to talk about?", and I could already ask him what parts of my Lightsaber I had collected, both of these were already there when talking to him on the surface of Telos. Hello, I just recently found out about this restoration project when I decided to finally finished Kotor 2, there are three main bugs i've run into that I haven't seen before.