Here are a few things you probably don’t know about Undertale. The game was originally brought on the PC and was made available to home consoles after a while, and it’s become known as one of the greatest and most bizarre stories of all time. It’s the kind of game that gives the player a choice as to what kind of person they want to be. The story revolves around a kid that falls into an underground kingdom that’s filled with monsters, and it’s up to the player to either befriend the creatures or kill them all and take what they have. Undertale is an RPG that has the type of graphics that would normally be seen on an older system like Super Nintendo, but the story has managed to captivate a lot of players and the old-school appearance is something that a lot of old-school gamers tend to love.

Back in 2015 a game funded by Kickstarter managed to take the gaming world by storm.